Making space for faith and belief at the conference table.

Mentorship, resources, and collaboration opportunities for business students, working professionals, educators, and organizations committed to interfaith cooperation.


Our mission is to advance religious identity as part of the diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts at business schools and corporations around the world.


Ready to join us?

Join our Slack channel community for mentorship, resources, and collaboration opportunities with interfaith leaders at the intersection of religion and business.


“Because our lives are so much more than our jobs, and yet we spend so much time at work, it is important to be in a space that is welcoming and affirming.”

— Religious and Racial Equity in the Workplace Training Participant (Feb 2021)

Creating a place for conversations about faith & belief in the workplace.

Join Angie Luo, MS, ‘21 Social Entrepreneurship alumna at the Marshall School of Business, as she interviews business leaders who are making place for diverse religious identities at the conference table and in the classroom.

Each episode contains powerful insights and stories to help you create a workplace and classroom inclusive of diverse identities, integrate belief and faith practices into business ethics, and lead interfaith cooperation at the intersection of religion and business.

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